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La Trattoria Restaurant

This restaurant serves dishes based on Italian cuisine and prepared with the modern concept of showcooking.

Buon appetito!

At the Trattoria-Pizzeria you can enjoy a variety of pizzas made the traditional way, fresh homemade pasta and risottos based on our original recipe. And of course, pair your dishes with a glass of Italian wine.

In a renovated space with fresh and modern décor, you can watch your dishes being prepared just before serving, with the innovative showcooking concept.


  • Location: Grandvalira - El Tarter Sector
  • Access: Skiing or walking from gondola El Tarter (ski pass is required)
  • Opening times: From 12 pm to 3.30 pm
  • Cuisine type: Italian cuisine. Showcooking
  • Contact: Tel +376 753 180.


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